Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Farooq Kathwari is an internationally respected Kashmiri-American business man who has been the Chairman, President and CEO of furniture chain store Ethan Allen Interiors Inc, now with outlets across America, Canada, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. In 1985, at the age of 41, Farooq was selected as company President; he continues to hold this position and took the firm public in 1993. Aside from his business acumen and reputation for making Ethan Allen one of the most employee-friendly corporations in America, Mr. Kathwari has also been a leading thought-leader in international attempts to simmer India-Pakistan tensions over Kashmir and to restore the original international policies that provided Kashmiris a degree of autonomy. Recently, Kashmir has again reached global headlines after India's Hindu-Nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi placed the India-controlled region into a military lockdown, rounding up 400 of Kashmir's democratically elected politicians, aides, officials and separatist intellectuals who continue to sit in Kashmir's overflowing prisons. Besides his diplomatic efforts, Farooq is also a founder of the Kashmir Study Group that created the Livingston Proposal as a peaceful initiative to bring stability to Kashmir's divisions. He is the chair of Refugees International and the co-Chair of the Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council, started during the election of Trump to fight against hate speech and crimes targeting Jews and Muslims. Last week Farooq's personal autobiography, "Trailblazer: From the Mountains of Kashmir to the Summit of Global Business and Beyond," was published which includes the history and political background of the Kashmir crisis and this intermediary activities to bring sanity between India's and Pakistan's government.
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Neal David Sutz is a best selling author and activist on biopolar disorder and our mental healthcare system, a film producer and a business owner. In 2004, Neal's lawsuit against Dr. Phil for discrimination and violation of the Disability's Act reached national attention. Neal has a fascinating and rather unique story that deals with the medical kidnapping of his two special needs sons in Switzerland and a pedophile network connected with high ranking members of the Mormon Church and the state of Arizona. Neal is the author of a recent book dealing with child medical kidnapping: "SOS: Scream of Silence - The Unfathomable Story of a Father Trying to Save his Sons." He is currently residing in Switzerland where he has dual citizenship and his website is SOSBook.is and articles about his case and ordeal can be found on the website Health Impact News.
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Progressive Commentary Hour - Former Google Engineer Zach Vorhies
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Progressive Commentary Hour - Jonathan Haidt
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Jonathan Haidt is the Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business.
He received his B. A. from Yale University in 1985 and his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1992. He then did post-doctoral research at the University of Chicago and in Orissa, India. He was a professor at the University of Virginia from 1995 until 2011, when he joined the Stern School of Business.
Haidt is a social psychologist whose research focuses on morality––its emotional foundations, cultural variations, and developmental course. He began his career studying the negative moral emotions, such as disgust, shame, and vengeance, but then moved on to the understudied positive moral emotions, such as admiration, awe, and moral elevation.
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Progressive Commentary Hour - The Secrets of Silicon Valley: James Corbett
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Once a sleepy farming region, Silicon Valley is now the hub of a global industry that is transforming the economy, shaping our political discourse, and changing the very nature of our society. So what happened? How did this remarkable change take place? Why is this area the epicenter of this transformation? Discover the dark secrets behind the real history of Silicon Valley and the Big Tech giants in this important edition of The Corbett Report.
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
A Slow Death by 5G Wireless Technology
Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, July 9, 2019
During the past year, Senate hearings leading up to the roll out of 5G wireless technology have made it quite clear that the race to capture first prize in the Internet of Things has little do to with popular consumer demands for improved internet access. Being called the fourth industrial revolution, the hype is that 5G will provide internet speeds up to one hundred times faster than 4G. Yet aside from the idealized and perhaps hyperbolic benefits of faster internet connections and downloads, 5G is best understood within the context of the US' competitive race against China to establish global wireless dominance. The Obama administration's FCC, under the influence of the telecommunication industry's insider Tom Wheeler, who served as the chair of the agency, launched the Spectrum Frontiers rules to mandate the 5G rollout as a "national priority." Therefore, rather than the fundamental incentive to improve the lives of citizens, more important is 5G's role to reinforce American global economic expansionism and military hegemony. For past presidents, and Trump in particular, economic figures hold all-consuming importance. One estimate claims 5G will bring over $12 trillion into the global economy, about $3.5 trillion in the US while providing 22 million new jobs. While 5G surely holds the promise of a huge windfall for the economy, these benefits will be eventually be neutralized by medical and environmental catastrophes.
The Race Towards Extinction: Climate Change versus the 5G Roll Out
Richard Gale and Gary Null
Progressive Radio Network, April 15, 2019
By now, most of us should have come to realize that plant, animal and human life is not eternal on this planet. For several decades atmospheric scientists have been warning that the orgy of anthropogenic release of greenhouse gases, if it is permitted to continue at current rates, will bring life as we know to an end. Where scientists disagree, and where there remains growing debate, concerns the timeline before global warming's acceleration cascades into runaway conditions leading towards our demise. Nevertheless, one thing seems certain, for anyone who bothers to follow the steady flow of climate change reports and updates, every year conditions are becoming more dire than the previous years. And as scientists consistently have had to reevaluate their earlier predictions, the situation is turning more drastic.
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Danny Haiphong is an journalist, political analyst, scholar and social activist. For the last five years he has been a weekly contributor to Black Agenda Report. His articles also appear in Global Research, The American Herald Tribune, MintPressNews, CounterPunch and elsewhere. Danny's work was featured in former Congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney’s book How the U.S. Creates “Sh*thole Countries (2018). Haiphong recently co-authored the book American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People's History of Fake News-from the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror -- which takes the reader through the history of how the US perceives itself as a force of good in the world despite its long history of expansionism, war and domestic neglect.
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Barbara Loe Fisher is president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a nonprofit charity she co-founded in 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and advocate for informed consent protections in US vaccine policies and laws. NVIC.org is the oldest and largest consumer-operated website publishing information on vaccine science, policy and law. Barbara is co-author of the seminal 1985 book “DPT: A Shot in the Dark, author of “Guide to Reforming Vaccine Policy and Law,” and founding editor of TheVaccineReaction.org journal newspaper. She worked with Congress to secure vaccine safety informing, recording, reporting and research provisions in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. She has served as a consumer member of Institute of Medicine and federal vaccine advisory committees and has testified in Congress and in state legislatures.
Prof. Mary Holland is the Vice Chair of the Board for the Children's Health Defense, founded by Bobby Kennedy Jr, and scholar at a New York area law school specializing in international human rights, public law and vaccine safety law and injury compensation. She also has a son who regressed into autism following the MMR vaccine. Mary holds a degree in Russian studies from Harvard, and graduate degrees in international relations and a JD from Columbia University. She is the co-author of “Vaccine Epidemic" about corporate greed and bad science behind the vaccine industry. And her most recent book is "The HPV Vaccine Trial: Seeking Justice for A Generation Betrayed" -- the most concise book behind the history and adverse effects of HPV vaccines such as Gardasil, with a preface by the Nobel Prize Winner in medicine Dr. Luc Montagnier.
Prof. Kelly Sutton was trained in internal medicine and pediatrics and has practiced for over 40 years. Her clinical practice incorporates principles of Anthroposophic medicine founded by Rudolf Steiner, a natural non-toxic for prevention and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses. She also operates an online library of Anthroposophic medical treatments at SophiaMichaelRemedies.com. Since 2015, after California eliminated non-medical vaccine exemptions, she has been providing medical evaluations for children and adults at risk of vaccine injury. Dr. Sutton currently divides her practice between Fair Oaks in California and Cambridge Massachusetts. Kelly's website is RaphaelMedicine.com
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
How and Why democracy is being threatened and what is the new election cycle ignoring/denying?
Danny Sheehan is one of our nation’s most important and influential Constitutional and public interest lawyers. During the past 45 years he has handled such public interest cases as the Pentagon Papers, the Watergate Break In, Iran Contra and the Silkwood murder case. He has represented victims of he Three Mile Island nuclear disaster and fought against the American Nazi Party on hate crimes. He has been a lead attorney on behalf of the Native nations at Standing Rock and handling the dismissal of a case against Chase Iron Eyes for inciting a riot and felony trespassing. Danny is the founder of the Romero Institute, a nonprofit public policy center in Santa Cruz California. And more recently he founded the New Paradigm Institute which explores new pathways to world peace. He holds a law degree and divinity degrees from Harvard University. Danny is the author of “The People’s Advocate: The Life and Legal History of America’s Most Fearless Public Defence Lawyer,” And his websites are DanielPSheehan.com AND RomeroInstitute.org
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
John Whitehead is a civil attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights for the the persecuted and oppressed. In 1982 he founded The Rutherford Institute, a non-profit civil liberties and human rights organization headquartered in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Institute provides legal services to defend civil liberties and programs to educate the public on issues affecting their Constitutional freedoms. John gained international renown for his role as co-counsel in Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton. He has filed numerous amicus briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court and has been co-counsel in several landmark Supreme Court cases. John has been the subject of many newspaper, magazine and television profiles, ranging from Gentleman's Quarterly to CBS' 60 Minutes. His latest book is “Battlefield America: The War on the American People," and a new edition of his "Government of Wolves: The Emerging Government Police State" was recently re-released. John's weekly articles and column can be found on his website at Rutherford.org