
Tuesday May 14, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 5.14.24
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Dr. Rick Leskowitz is a board certified and retired Harvard Medical School-affiliated psychiatrist specializing in energy psychology and pain management. For 25 years, Dr. Leskowitz practiced at the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, which advocates for a body-mind approach. At Harvard, he directed an Integrative Medicine Task Force, and is a founding member of the Sports, Energy and Consciousness Group - an integrated collective of doctors, psychologists, scientists and world class athletes. While traveling through India in the mid-1970s, Rick became interested in subtle energy and its relation to physical health and mental well being. Since then he has been a leader in energy psychology. He has published 50 peer-reviewed papers and four books, the latest being "The Mystery of Life Energy: Biofield Healing, Phantom Limbs, Group Energetics and Gaia Consciousness," which examines the scientific evidence to support the reality of the human biofield and its practical applications in healing.

Tuesday May 07, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 5.7.24
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Tuesday May 07, 2024
J.J. Carrell is a US border patrol officer who served for 24 years and retired as a deputy patrol agent in charge. He was a supervisor of the San Diego-Tijuana border unit that had a high rate of violence and supervised Coastal Border Enforcement Team operations to stop maritime narcotic smuggling and human trafficking run by the global Mexican Sinaloa cartel and securing convictions against its leader and the notorious drug lord El Chapo. In recent years there has been an increasing immigration crisis on America's southern borders with undocumented or poorly documented immigrants from around the world entering and being relocated across the nation. Conservative figures according to the Homeland Security statistics record a least 6.3 million migrant encounters at ports of entry since Biden took office in January 2021, and 2.4 million migrants permitted to enter. J.J. has been speaking out against this invasion and putting the facts in order based upon years of first hand eye-witness experiences. He is author of "Invaded: The Intentional Destruction of America's Immigration System", which documents the nation's border patrol's narrative. J.J. is a graduate of Southern Arkansas University where he attended on a football scholarship. He also competed in two races around the world on two episodes of CBS's The Amazing Race. His website is JJCarrell.com and J.J. blogs articles at Border Truth on Substack at jjcarrell.substack.com.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 4.30.24
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Dr. Glenn Diesen is a professor at the Business School of the University of Southeast Norway, where he specializes in Russian foreign policy, geopolitical economics and Eurasia. He is an associate editor of the journal Russia in Global Affairs and sits on the boards of the International Institute for Peace in Vienna, the Center for Nationalism Studies in Sarajevo, Serbia and at the Contemporary World Economy in Moscow. Prof. Diesen has published 11 books dealing with Russia and Eurasia, the European Union, NATO and the clash between East and West, which have been translated into multiple languages. His most recent release is "The Ukraine War and the Eurasian World Order" that looks at the Ukraine conflict as a symptom of the collapsing world order, the decline of US-Western global hegemony, and the rise of a new multipolar order that emphasizes the individual sovereignty of nations. Dr. Diesen was educated in Australia and received his doctorate in international relations jointly from Macquaire University in Australia and Vrije University in the Netherlands. He hosts a talk program on geopolitics, often co-hosted with Alexander Mercouris from The Duran, that can be viewed on the Glenn Diesen Youtube channel.

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 4.23.24
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
William Pepper is an international civil and human rights attorney based in New York best known for representing Martin Luther King’s accused assassin, James Earl Ray. In 1967, Dr. King had reached out to Dr. Pepper regarding an essay he had written for Ramparts magazine concerning Vietnamese victims of American napalm missions. He was present at Dr. King’s famous Riverside Church speech. William was the citizens chairman for Robert Kennedy’s run for the Senate in Westchester Country and also a counsel for Robert Kennedy’s assassin Sirhan Sirhan arguing for a second shooter. William received undergraduate and graduate degrees from Columbia, a doctorate in education from the University of Massachusetts, a Juris Doctoral degree from Boston College and also studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His book -- “The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr” was the result of 39 years of research and gathering of documentation and sworn testimonies on new confirmed information that will revise the history behind the assassination of Dr. King .

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 4.16.24
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Ken McCarthy has been a lifelong advocate for natural medicine and exposing the corruption of medicine and is currently an author and publisher. Ken was an early pioneer in the movement to commercialize the internet. Time Magazine credits him with being the first to articulate click-through rate as a primary metric for making the internet commercially viable and was instrumental in the development of website banner ads. His work as an environmentalist includes halting the construction of a coal-powered cement plant in the Hudson Valley and proper reconstruction of New Orleans' levees. Among his books are two volumes of "The Covid Con" and the Amazon bestseller "Fauci's First Fraud," which was important for informing Robert Kennedy Jr's The Real Anthony Fauci. His most recent book is "What the Nurses Saw" -- an investigation into the systematic medical murders that took place in hospitals during the Covid pandemic and the stories of nurses who fought back to save patients. Ken's website WhatTheNursesSaw.com has a lot of important information, articles, interviews and videos to inform the public and citizens about the corruption in hospitals and medical facilities.

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 4.9.24
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Dr. Gary Null plays the award winning documentary "The Cost of Denial".

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 4.2.24
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Patrick Bergy is an IT security specialist, a former candidate for Supervisor of Elections, and an army veteran of the Afghanistan war. After leaving the military, he deployed around the world working as a military contractor providing IT support for the Department of Defense. One of Patrick's most notable projects was in pioneering social media psychological warfare, also known in the military as Interactive Internet Activities. This was at a time when social networks and smart phones were just taking off and Patrick understood their potential threat to American democracy and election integrity. IIA is basically the IT infrastructure behind fake news. In 2014, he started to speak out after observing how it was used in relation to the Michael Brown incident which sparked riots in cities. Patrick has written three books including an autobiography of his experiences, "Victim of the Swamp: How the Deep State Destroyed the 40 Year Old Private" and more recently two volumes of "Operation Shadowgate" about the efforts to suppress the banned documentary film Shadowgate and a tell-all about the nefarious collaborations between the government and the military industrial complex, the story behind Hunter Biden's laptop, and election corruption, and events leading up to January 6th.

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 3.26.24
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Dr. Michael Hudson is one of our nation’s finest and most important economists and Wall Street financial analysts. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has called Michael “the world’s best economist.” He is the President of The Institution for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends, and a distinguished research professor of economics at the University of Missouri. He was the Chief Economic Policy Advisor for the Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s 2008 presidential campaign and has served as an adviser to the White House, State and Defense departments and served as an economic advisor to other governments including Iceland, Latvia and China. Michael has written many books and important papers and articles. His most recent must-read book is "The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism" which explains the reasons for financial crises in the US and other Western nations due to a drainage of income, indebtedness and a collapse of industrialization. His website is Michael-Hudson.com

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 3.19.24
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Dr. Meryl Nass is an internal medicine physician in Maine, a biological warfare epidemiologist and an expert on anthrax. She has specialized in treating patients with Gulf War syndrome, adverse reactions from the anthrax vaccine and vaccine safety and efficacy in general. In the past she has testified on six separate occasions before Congress on behalf of veterans suffering from the causes of Gulf War syndrome. Meryl is also active in opposing vaccine mandates and critiquing the false claims and fear mongering about infectious disease epidemics and corruption within the medical industrial military complex. She serves on the Board of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, a non profit organization run by Vera Sharav that advances medical ethics that uphold human rights and protect humans from wrongful medical interventions. Her work is cited in many professional articles and publications. She holds degrees from MIT and her medical degree from the Mississippi School of Medicine. Dr Nass' website where she blogs is MerylNass.substack.com

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 3.12.24
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Dr. Gary Null Plays the documentary The Great Setup With Dr. David Martin