
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 10.8.24
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Ken McCarthy is a prolific author, social and political critic, and one of the early pioneers of the movement to commercialize the Internet. Time Magazine credits him with being the first person to articulate the importance of the click-through rate as a key metric for making the Internet commercially viable. He played an important role in the development of the Internet publishing landscape. In addition to his business accomplishments, Ken’s lifelong interests in health, science, and political injustice have led him to study the corruption of medicine and science, as well as undertake substantial projects as a citizen journalist. His activism has included empowering disadvantaged communities in the Hudson Valley, New York and New Orleans. He has authored books dealing with entrepreneuralship and internet marketing, and more controversial topics such as the Covid pandemic, Anthony Fauci and medical totalitarianism, the genocide in Israel, and Kennedys. Ken's most recent book is "JFK and RFK's Secret Battle Against Zionist Extremism: The Documentary Evidence", co-authored with Rick Sterling who has appeared as a guest on this program in the past. His website is JFKAntiwar.com

Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 10.1.24
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Dr. Brian Hooker is the senior director of science and research at the Children's Health Defense founded by Robert Kennedy Jr, and sits on the organization's Advisory Council. Dr. Hooker is also a former Professor of Biology at Simpson University in California. He has been active in vaccine safety since 2001 and has a vaccine injured son with autism. His analysis of the CDCs data about the Measle-Mumps-Rubella vaccine and autism was published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. For a few decades Brian has been investigating the scientific evidence for a vaccine-autism connection and the flaws in vaccine safety. Brian also has a son with autism and has been active in the autism community for increasing public awareness about this epidemic. Over the years Brian has filed many FOIAs with federal health agencies and was in receipt of 1000s of pages of documents from a CDC informant, Dr. William Thompson who questioned the efficacy and safety of vaccination. Dr Hooker is the co-author with Bobby Kennedy of the recent New York Times bestseller "Vax-UnVax: Let the Science Speak", which undertakes a task our federal health authorities have refused to entertain: that is, to look at the published research to compare the health status and disease incidence between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. For more information, go to ChildrensHealthDefense.org
Polly Tommey is the mother of a son injured from the MMR vaccine, an outspoken autism advocate and the founder of the Autism Trust in the UK and US. Polly is also the founding chief editor of the autism magazine The Autism File and co-founder of the Autism Media Channel. She has appeared in many media sources around the world and has gone head-to-head with various political leaders about vaccine safety and efficacy. She is also the producer of several documentaries including the three Vaxxed films -- the last being "Vaxxed 3: Authorized to Kill" which was released last week, and exposes the medical and pharmaceutical malpractice during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 9.24.24
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024

Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 9.17.24
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
Colonel Lawrence (Larry) Wilkerson is a retired US Army Colonel who served in the military for 31 years and was the former chief of staff to General Colin Powell in his role as Secretary of State and earlier as a General Powell's special assistant when he served as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is a Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Government and Public Policy at the College of William and Mary in Virginia. Col. Wilkerson was an outspoken critic of the Iraq War, the Bush and Cheney White House, and the Biden administration's fueling the current military engagements underway in Ukraine and Palestine at the expense of peaceful negotiations. He is a frequent commentator on a variety of programs including Judge Napalitano's excellent Judging Freedom and Dialogue Works. He has also been featured in several important documentaries, including “Why We Fight”, “The Israel Lobby”, and “No End in Sight,” and is the recipient of the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence.

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 9.10.24
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Dr. Michael Hudson is one of our nation’s finest and most important economists and Wall Street financial analysts. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has called Michael “the world’s best economist.” He is the President of The Institution for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends, and a distinguished research professor of economics at the University of Missouri. He was the Chief Economic Policy Advisor for the Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s 2008 presidential campaign and has served as an adviser to the White House, State and Defense departments and served as an economic advisor to other governments including Iceland, Latvia and China. He is currently advising Jill Stein's campaign on economic policy. Michael has written many books and important papers and articles. His most recent must-read book is "The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism" which explains the reasons for financial crises in the US and other Western nations due to a drainage of income, indebtedness and a collapse of industrialization. His website is Michael-Hudson.com

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 9.3.24
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Dr. Shannon Kroner is the Executive Director of Freedom of Religion-United Solutions, an interfaith coalition of religious leaders who have united to protect religious freedom in making vaccine choices aiding Americans to obtain religious vaccine exemptions for work and school. Professionally, Dr. Kroner is a Clinical Psychologist who holds a doctorate from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and a Master's in Special Education, with a focus in Educational Therapy. For over two decades she has been working with special needs families. Shannon's doctoral dissertation addressed childhood vaccinations from a psychological viewpoint into the ways parents make decisions regarding vaccinating their children. She is the author of the children's book, I'm Unvaccinated and That's Okay. Her websites are DrShannonKroner.com and ForUnitedSolutions.org.

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 8.27.24
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Dr Rebecca Culshaw is a mathematician who questioned the official science to support the HIV virus and AIDS narrative. Earlier, Rebecca taught at the University of Texas at Tyler as an assistant professor. She received her doctorate in mathematics from Dalhousie University in Canada, her dissertation focusing on immune response to HIV infection and AIDS treatments. She has written for several peer-review journals about mathematical modeling of HIV-related immunology and served on the editorial board of the Journal of Biological Systems. Dr Culshaw is the author of "The Real AIDS Epidemic: How the Tragic HIV Mistake Threatens Us All" -- which presents the mistakes and corruption in the so-called War Against AIDS. Her most recent book is "The Truvada and PrEP Disaster" as a Kindle release and provides the history and details of anti-HIV drug toxicities and lawsuits against their manufacturers.
Neenyah Ostrom was the first American investigative journalist to report on myalgic encephalomyelitis and Chronic fatigue syndrome in the 1980s and 90s. Her writings have been recognized by Project Censored as among the most important censored stories. Neenyah is the author of four books addressing the chronic fatigue syndrome epidemic including "What Really Killed Gilda Radner" and "America's Biggest Coverup: Fifty More Things Everyone Should Know about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic and its Links to AIDS." Her latest book is "Ampligen: the Battle for a Promising ME/CFS Drug." Robert Kennedy Jr relies on Neenyah's work extensively in his best seller "The Real Anthony Fauci." She has also worked as an editor and ghostwriter on popular science books, including "Total Breast Health", which was chosen "Best Book of 1998" by Publishers Weekly.
REBECCA CULSHAW BOOKS: "The Truvada and PrEP Disaster". &. "The Real AIDS Epidemic How the Tragic HIV Mistake Threatens Us All"
NEENYAH OSTROM'S BOOKS: "America's Biggest Coverup: Fifty More Things Everyone Should Know about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic and its Links to AIDS." AND "Ampligen: the Battle for a Promising ME/CFS Drug."

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 8.20.24
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Our second part of a conversation with Christopher (Chris) Black -- a Canadian attorney-activist, writer, author, community organizer and poet. Chris Black is a member of the Bar Association of the International Criminal Court and acted as the lead defense counsel before the ICC for Rwanda, later defending Rwanda's General Augustin Ndiniliyimana against dozens of genocide charges leading to his acquittal. He was among the first lawyers to lay war crime charges against NATO for its attack on Yugoslavia, and served as vice-chair of the International Committee for the Defense of Slobadan Milosevic. Other crimes Chris laid down on behalf of the ICC include charges against Rwandan president Paul Kagame on behalf of Congolese groups, and charges against NATO for its invasion of Libya. Chris is currently an executive member of the Canadian Peace Council and Toronto Association for Peace and Solidarity. Chris' articles appear in the Near Eastern Outlook, Global Research and other outlets. He is the author of the novel "Beneath the Clouds: The Struggle for Truth and Justice Can Turn Deadly" and a collection of poems "From a Passing Stranger? He holds a degree in psychology from McMaster University in Ontario and received a law degree, specializing in international law, from York University. His website is Christopher-Black.com

Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 8.13.24
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Christopher (Chris) Black is a Canadian attorney-activist, writer, author, community organizer and poet. He is a member of the Bar Association of the International Criminal Court and acted as the lead defense counsel before the ICC for Rwanda, later defending Rwanda's General Augustin Ndiniliyimana against dozens of genocide charges leading to his acquittal. He was among the first lawyers to lay war crime charges against NATO for its attack on Yugoslavia, and served as vice-chair of the International Committee for the Defense of Slobadan Milosevic. Other crimes Chris laid down on behalf of the ICC include charges against Rwandan president Paul Kagame on behalf of Congolese groups, and charges against NATO for its invasion of Libya. Chris is currently an executive member of the Canadian Peace Council and Toronto Association for Peace and Solidarity. Chris' articles appear in the Near Eastern Outlook, Global Research and other outlets. He is the author of the novel "Beneath the Clouds: The Struggle for Truth and Justice Can Turn Deadly" and a collection of poems "From a Passing Stranger? He holds a degree in psychology from McMaster University in Ontario and received a law degree, specializing in international law, from York University. His website is Christopher-Black.com

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
The Progressive Commentary Hour 8.6.24
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Gloria Guillo is an investigative journalist focused on US domestic and foreign policy. As Covert Action Magazine’s correspondent on location, she has covered presidential elections in Nicaragua and Brazil. She just recently returned from Venezuela where she was an observer of its recent elections. Gloria has written extensively on the illegality of American coercive unilateral economic sanctions. She is a co-founding member of the Green Renaissance-Sovereign Rights Movement, which challenges the oligarchic order by supporting third party candidates., and she is a contributor to the Sanctions Kill campaign – an activist project that uses petitions and direct action to expose the human cost of US sanctions on other sovereign foreign nations. Her organization’s website is GreenRenaissance-SovereignRightsMovement.org