Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Dr. Jeb Sprague is a Research Associate at the University of California at Riverside specializing in globalization trends, transnationalism, political sociology and their effects in the Caribbean and Latin America. Dr. Sprague is the co-founder of the Network for the Critical Studies of Global Capitalism and has previously taught at the University of Virginia and at the University of California at Santa Barbara, the latter academic institution being where he received his doctorate in sociology. He is the author of "Globalizing the Caribbean" and earlier "Paramilitarism and the Assault on Democracy in Hait." His articles have appeared in many academic journals as well as the Grayzone, The Canary and Counterpunch. His website is JebSprague.Blogspot.com
Prof William Robinson is Professor of Sociology and Latin American Studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara. He is also on the university’s faculty in its Global and International Studies Program. William is a scholar activist, deeply involved in Third World struggles for social justice, the Latin American left, popular empowerment of populations and participatory democracy and government. His areas of focus include globalization, transnationalism, political economics, immigration and a variety of sociological issues. William received his graduate degrees from the University of New Mexico. In the 1980s he worked as a journalist and activist during the revolution in Nicaragua. He has published nine books, his latest being “Into the Tempest: Essays on the New Global Capitalism," which investigates how global capitalism is now controlled by a multinational capitalist class and is contributing to draconian policies in the US and other developed nations giving rise to nationalist police states. His forthcoming book scheduled for release next year is "The Global Police State." His website is SOC.UCSB.edu/Faculty/Robinson
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is a British biochemist and plant physiologist who has experimented with innovative field theories in plants and animals, including humans, to account for the causative formation of the deeper structures of biological development and collective consciousness. Dr. Sheldrake has been a fellow at Cambridge University, a Frank Knox Fellow at Harvard and a Research Fellow of he British Royal Society. His research has included efforts to reach a greater understanding of memory, perception, cognition and the debate over consciousness. For two years he lived in a Benedictine Christian ashram in South India under the guidance of the late sage Father Bede Griffiths. Over the past several decades Rupert developed his theory of morphic resonance and morphogenic fields. He has written extensively on morphogenic theory since the publication “A New Science in Life “in 1981. His most recent book is "Ways to Go Beyond and Why They Work," which presents various spiritual practices and ways that for everyday activities to have spiritual meaning for the scientific age we have now entered. His website is Sheldrake.org
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Zach Vorhies is a former Google engineer who worked with the Silicon Valley giant for over 8 years. Much of that time was spent in Google's YouTube division before he discovered Google's artificial intelligence program known as "Machine Learning Fairness." After investigating this program through internal Google documents in his possession, Zach turned whistleblower and delivered 950 pages of company documents to the Department of Justice and released the same to the public. Having departed from Google, Zach is now devoted to helping raise awareness about Google's covert activities. This includes the likelihood of meddling in the forthcoming elections and collaborating with China by giving that country access to it's "Manhattan" project known as Deep Mind.
Dr. Robert Epstein is the Senior Research Psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology. The institute researches roles of parenting, stress management, maturation and the internet's influence and manipulation of our lives. He is the former editor in chief of Psychology Today and has specialized in the psychology of maturity. Dr. Epstein holds a doctorate in psychology from Harvard, has taught at the University of California at San Diego and was the founder of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies in Massachusetts. He has been a commentator on NPR's Marketplace and has written for the Washington Post, Time, The Sunday Times London, Parenting, and other magazines and newspapers. Robert is the author of 15 books, and his forthcoming book is "How Google and Facebook Ate Your Brain, and How You Can Get a New One." The Institute also produced a documentary film, "The Creepy Line" which reveals how Google and Facebook impact the behaviors of billions of people worldwide. For more info on his writings about Google, his website is MyGoogleResearch.com
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Progressive Commentary Hour - What is happening to the Democratic Party?
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Ray McGovern served as an Army intelligence officer and a CIA analyst for 27 years under 7 presidential administrations, from John F. Kennedy to George H. W. Bush. Among his duties was preparing the President’s Daily Brief, which was a one-on-one to President Ronald Reagan’s most senior national security advisers. He was responsible for the analysis of Soviet intelligence regarding Vietnam and served as the Assistant National Intelligence Officer for Western Europe. Since retiring, Ray has been a vocal peace activist and journalist and helped create Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) to expose the way intelligence was falsified to “justify” war on Iraq and the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence. He also works with Tell the Word, an ecumenical Catholic publishing house. Ray’s opinion pieces appear in many leading news sources here and abroad. He holds degrees in theology and philosophy from Fordham University, an MA in Russian History, is a graduate from Harvard Business School and has a certificate in theology from Georgetown University. His website is RayMcGovern.com and more of his writings can be found on ConsortiumNews.com
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Clinton Body Count Arkancide Mena Iran Contra Barry Seal Medellin PART 2 - Railroad Teen Murders
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Dr. Thomas Cowan is a long-time holistic and complementary and alternative medical doctor who practices in San Francisco. He is a former vice president of the Physicians' Association for Anthroposophic Medicine based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, and was a founding member of the Weston Price Foundation. His practice incorporates nutrition, homeopathy, anthroposophic medical theory and botanical herbs. He also operates a family-run biodynamic organic. Dr Cowan writes the column "Ask the Doctor" for the magazine Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts and has authored several books including "Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness." His most recent release a couple weeks ago is "Cancer and the New Biology of Water: Why the War on Cancer has Failed and What that Means for More Effective Prevention and Treatment." We will be speaking with Dr. Cowan about how these new emerging discoveries about certain unusual properties of cellular water may force us to completely rethink the causes for our ongoing epidemic of cancer. His websites are DrCowansGarden.com and HumanHeartCosmicHeart.com
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Prof Ronald Purser is a professor of management in the College of Business at San Francisco State University, where he teaches mindfulness in organizations and theories of consumer capitalism, social change and transformation. Prof Purser is also a Zen teacher in the Korean Taego (Tay-go) tradition. His essays and cultural criticism have appeared in Salon, Tikkun, Tricycle, the Huffington Post and Alternet. Ron has authored 8 books; his most recent one which has raised a stir in the American spiritual community is "McMindfulness: How Mindfulness Became the New Capitalist Spirituality," which critiques the popular and increasing fad of mindfulness meditation being coopted by neoliberal, corporate and political interests. He holds a doctorate from Case Western Reserve University and his website is RonPurser.com
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Progressive Commentary Hour - Dr. Alvin Moss & Kevin Barry
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Dr. Alvin Moss ("Woody") is a professor of medicine and physician-scientist at a major university school of medicine and is the founding director of the university's Center for Health Ethics and Law. He has published over 150 scientific articles in the peer-reviewed medical literature, and serves on the editorial boards of the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology and the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. He is also a reviewer for the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, the Annals of Internal Medicine, and multiple other medical journals. He has directed and taught the required course in medical ethics to medical students at my university for 25 years has chaired the statewide network of health ethics committees for 30 years. Dr. Moss' interest in vaccine safety and vaccine injury was first prompted by ethical concerns of conflicts of interest in vaccine research and public policy. As a practicing physician he prescribes vaccines to patients who choose to receive them after an informed consent discussion. Therefore, he is not ideologically pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, but rather pro-health, pro-ethics, and pro-informed consent in vaccination. He has testified multiple times before legislative committees as an expert on vaccines. And finally Dr Moss is a graduate of Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Progressive Commentary Hour - The Plight of Palestinians and American Denialism
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Abby Martin is one of our leading international voices among younger American journalists and media activists. She is the host of the investigative documentary news program The Empire Files that was aired on pan-Latin American network Telesur TV English. The Empire Files features hard hitting investigative history and insights into subjects ignored by mainstream corporate media. Earlier Abby was the host of Breaking the Set on the Russia Today network. She is a founder of the organization Media Roots that supports citizen journalism, and serves on the board of the Media Freedom Foundation which manages Project Censored, which airs on the PRN network. Recently she released a breathtaking documentary film -- GAZA Fights for Freedom -- which puts viewers on the ground to witness the atrocities committed by Israeli military personnel against Gazans during their Great March of Return. The full featured film can be viewed on Vimeo, and Empire File episodes can be viewed at TheEmpireFiles.tv and Youtube. Abby's personal website is AbbyMartin.org