Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Dr. Gauthier Chapelle is a Beligian scientist, author, climate activist and interdependent researcher in biomimicry and a new discipline of collapsology -- the study of how integral systems peak, break down and collapse. He was trained as an agricultural engineer at Catholic University of Louvain and received his doctorate in biology from the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Belgium. Dr. Chapelle is one of the leading European pioneers in biomimicry and co-founder of the Biomimicry Europa Association -- the science of finding strategies in nature to mimic in order to address human design challenges. In the past Gauthier was a scientific manager developing climate educational tools in polar regions for the International Polar Foundation, and has research in Antarctica and on the infamous Lake Baikal in southern Siberia. He is published in peer-review scientific journals and is the author of several books, the latest being "Another End of the World is Possible," co-authored with French scientist Pablo Servigne and Raphael Stevens, which addresses the urgency of finding ways to adapt ourselves to inevitable collapses in the environmental and socio-economic systems. He is also the host of "The Work That Reconnects" network, based on the teachings of environmental activist and Eco-Buddhist philosopher Joanna Macy for learning how to face crises. Its website is WorkThatReconnects.org