Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Dr. Devra Davis is a highly distinguished medical researcher, epidemiologist and health activist who has served as an adviser on chemical safety to the Dept of Health and Human Services and CDC, the UN, the European Environmental Agency, the World Health Organization and other national and international bodies. Currently, she is currently the founder and president of the Environmental Health Trust, the world's only nonprofit that conducts high level scientific research on environmental health hazards while communicating the same to governments, local communities and educators. Dr. Davis holds degrees from the University of Pittsburgh, where she later founded the school's Center for Environmental Oncology, and received her doctorate from the University of Chicago, and an addition degree in public health from Johns Hopkins. She has taught at Hebrew University Medical School, Ondokuz Mayis Medical School in Turkey, Mt. Sinai, Oberlin and Carnegie Mellon universities. She has published over 200 scientific papers and is the author several important books including "The Secret History of the War on Cancer", and "Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation". The Environmental Health Trust's website is EHTrust.org
Theodora Scarato is the Executive Director of the Environmental Health Trust where she coordinates scientific programs with international institutions and experts about wireless technology risks. The Trust is a leading scientific health organization working on the risks of 5G technology, cell phone and tower radiation. It organizes and sponsors educational campaigns for policymakers and environmental groups as well as publishing scientific research. Theordora also manages the Trust's databases of research and policy data, one of the largest in the world, for efforts to reduce EMF exposure and monitor cities' actions regarding the 5G roll out. She lectures internationally on best practices for schools to follow to reduce EMF exposure and was largely responsible for the reduction of radiofrequency exposure in Maryland's school system. Her webinar to the United Educators of San Francisco for schools to reduce childhood exposure can be found online.
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